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What should COP28 deliver? An enhanced implementation strategy that includes food systems actions

January 22, 2024

What should COP28 deliver? An enhanced implementation strategy that includes food systems actions

Since COP26, there has been much talk of a ‘shift to implementation’, however with little progress so far. The transformation towards more sustainable food systems requires Parties to agree on a strategy for immediate full-scale and coordinated implementation of the actions, policies and measures to meet current targets, and enable the more ambitious targets needed to close the ambition gap, including the integration of actions across the entire food system into climate targets, and build the climate resilience of people and nature.

In this context, the SFS Programme has issued a set of key messages on what should be the outcomes of expected at COP28 from a food systems perspective.

The IPCC is clear that without addressing emissions from food systems - in addition to rapid decarbonization of all other sectors - it will not be possible to keep 1.5°C within reach. Therefore, governments need to take a food systems approach when tackling climate change, and elevate food on the COP28 agenda through two key outcomes:

-Broadening the scope of the Sharm el-Sheikh Joint Work on Implementation of Climate Action on Agriculture and Food Security (SSJW)

-Agreement that actions to transform food systems holistically should be included into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), National Determined Contributions (NDCs), and Long-term Strategies (LTS) before COP30, operationalizing the interventions put forth by the Emirates Declaration on Resilient Food Systems, Sustainable Agriculture, and Climate Action.

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