IGPN - International Green Purchasing Network



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2024 Procura+ Conference–Driving Sustainable Consumption and Production

January 30, 2024

2024 Procura+ Conference–Driving Sustainable Consumption and Production

The One Planet Network are pleased to be partnering with ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and the Procura Network, a European public authority network that connects and supports public authorities in implementing sustainable and innovative procurement practices, on their 2024 Procura Conference.

With registration now open, this insightful event in the sustainable procurement landscape will serve as an opportunity for cities and public authorities to better understand how public procurement can be used to implement step changes that can make a big impact.

Scheduled for the 13th and 14th of March in the vibrant capital of Portugal, Lisbon. This conference will enable cities and public authorities to delve into the transformative power of public procurement, the One Planet Network Secretariat will be in attendance and members from across the network are encouraged to take part.

SDG 12 - Sustainable Consumption & Production Highlights:
The conference program features several compelling highlights related to SDG 12 on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Following keynote speeches from the Mayors of Lisbon and Malmö on the pivotal role of procurement in addressing pressing environmental, social, and economic challenges, the opening plenary titled "Step Changes for Big Impact - Maximising the Impact of Procurement," sets the tone for the conference. The diverse panel of speakers, including Carlos Moedas, Mayor of Lisbon, and Janez Potocnik of the International Resource Panel, promises insightful perspectives on transformative procurement.

The ‘Market Lounges’ showcase breakthrough approaches and case studies and will foster up-close discussions on implementing step changes for big impact. One of the parallel sessions, "Transforming infrastructure and urban development districts through procurement," sheds light on how procurement decisions can drive sustainable outcomes.

The session on "Mastering the Art of Innovation Procurement" delves into innovative practices and solutions, addressing the evolving technological landscape. If you are interested in how innovative procurement can contribute to solving complex societal challenges then join us for the session on "How to mainstream circular procurement within your organization" and learn from the practical insights on incorporating circular procurement principles in support of sustainable goals including consumption and production.

Lastly, the closing plenary, "Next Steps for Big Impact," reflects on the challenges faced by procurement teams and discusses strategies for moving forward and will serve to inspire further action towards sustainable goals. The comprehensive conference program offers a rich array of discussions and case studies many of which will bear particular relevance to the work of our network and SDG 12.

Learning and Networking Opportunities:
During the two days, participants will gain valuable insights into how public procurement can contribute to the transformation of our societies. The conference focuses on step changes for significant impact, covering topics such as the just transition, the circular economy, and the transformation of energy systems.

Networking is highly encouraged during Agora sessions and site visits. The Procura Awards ceremony and dinner will take place on the evening of March 13th. The awards ceremony - of which the One Planet Network’s Director Jorge Laguna-Celis will be a judge - will celebrate successful sustainable, circular and innovative public procurements that serve to inspire procurements to lead to significant improvements of public goods, services, processes and infrastructure.

Learn more at One Planet Network News Center.

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