IGPN - International Green Purchasing Network


Newsletter Archives

Newsletter [No. 13]

The IGPN Newsletter is a free email newsletter to keep you updated
with the latest development on Green Purchasing around the world. If
you find the IGPN Newsletter useful, please forward it and tell your
friends and colleagues to visit
http://www.igpn.org/newsletter/ for free subscriptions.

- Public and private sector partnership can improve aid and relief work
- In City of Cyclists, Pedestrians Feel the Squeeze
- How much energy could be saved if we didn't iron our clothes?
- Mourning incandescent lightbulbs is a waste of time
- Don't invest in wind farms unless it makes sense for your business locally
- Almost Time to Change the Bulb
- Once-Scorned Light Bulbs Are Advancing
- Making Sustainable Surfboads
- Farmers turn away from organic as sales drop
- Philips Wins Energy Department's Lighting Prize

Public and private sector partnership can improve aid and relief work
Secretary of state for International Development says that the public
and private sectors must work together to respond to humanitarian
emergencies. Tell Guardian your thoughts on collaboration between the
two sectors and what you think private enterprises can do to improve
the skills and efficiency of aid organisations.

In City of Cyclists, Pedestrians Feel the Squeeze
Fully 55 percent of residents travel to work or school on bikes in
Copenhagen. Some roads, including bridges, are just for them.

How much energy could be saved if we didn't iron our clothes?
Social norms persuade us to press clothes and linen, but ironing
consumes both time and energy.

Mourning incandescent lightbulbs is a waste of time
Instead of reminiscing about old bulbs, our time would be better
served isolating the best replacements on the market. What are your

Don't invest in wind farms unless it makes sense for your business locally
A company must realise that the business' true, long-term worth is
determined by the investment it makes in its employees, in the
communities where it operates and in the environment, as well as its
financial performance.

Almost Time to Change the Bulb
Are you one of us who struggle to choose the right bulbs for the rooms?

Once-Scorned Light Bulbs Are Advancing
C.F.L.’s or compact fluorescent light bulbs, require one-quarter the
energy from coal-fired power plants that incandescents do.

Making Sustainable Surfboads
Danny Hess of San Francisco loves riding the waves, but he hates that
many surfboards are made of nonrecyclable materials and must
constantly be replaced...

Farmers turn away from organic as sales drop
The economic downturn means organic farmers are less likely to reap
rewards of premium prices for their produce.

Philips Wins Energy Department’s Lighting Prize
Philips, the Netherlands-based consumer electronics giant, is now $10
million richer, having just won the L Prize, awarded by the federal
Department of Energy in a contest to invent the next generation of
solid-state lighting.

We hope you have enjoyed the IGPN Newsletter. We will be delivering
more information on Green Purchasing including best-practices and
know-how, purchasing guidelines, product information, research
outcomes and the latest trends from around the world. Please visit our
web site regularly for the detailed information and the latest news.

*If you have any Green Purchasing-related news that you would like
featured on the IGPN web site, please contact us at

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to igpn[at]net.email.ne.jp. If you have a general comment, suggestion
or question about IGPN, please send email to igpn[at]net.email.ne.jp

Copyright (c) 2011 IGPN All Rights Reserved
IGPN newsletter is written and edited by J. Hori.

International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN) Secretariat
Cosmos Aoyama 5-53-67, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan.
Tel: +81-3-6427-1559 / Fax: +81-3-6427-1690
Email: igpn[at]net.email.ne.jp / URL: http://www.igpn.org/

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