IGPN - International Green Purchasing Network

Global Activities

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment

URL : http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/?sustainable-industry/govt3/


Organization Information

Contact information: ph 64-4-439-6400  govt3@mfe.govt.nz
Location: Govt3 Programme, Ministry for the Environment,
Sustainable Industry and Climate Change Group,
Wellington, New Zealand
Number of members: (currently 40 agencies signed up in writing, + 17 associates )
Number of Non-members: n/a
Organizational Structure: Number of employees: 4.5
Sources of funding: National Body
Type of Organization: National Government Organization
WWW pages: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/sustainable-industry/govt3/
Year established: November 2003



Checklist/Guidelines and Specifications/Criteria:
  • Products (under development = 8) printing paper, sanitary paper, toner cartridges, writing instruments, office equipment, computers, vehicles, building supplies for office refurbishment
  • Services (1-printing)
Education Materials/Tools (non-professional): n/a
Environmental Label (ISO),
Other (Energy Star, etc.):
Events: 2004/05 - one seminar on green building design;
2004/05 - bimonthly meetings, 2005/06 - network meetings as required
General Guidelines or Principles for Green Purchasing (which apply to overall activities): n/a
Good Practices/Case Studies for Purchasing: Govt3 Awards
Market Research and Awareness Surveys: n/a
Newsletter: n/a
Product List/Database: None. Possible future development for paper, recycled content products
Related Laws/Regulations,
(i.e. “Green Purchasing Law”):
Suppliers List/Database: n/a
Training Course/Tools (market related): n/a.



Concerning social aspects : We are encouraging the social issues agencies to lead on this:
we hope to have a stronger emphasis on this by next year.
Currently limited only to encouragement of Fair Trade products.
Measurement/Evaluation Method: n/a
Publications: n/a
Other Activities:
  • l Our primary focus is on sustainable practice by agencies, of which green purchasing is only one aspect. For example, we are actively involved in encouraging waste minimization (waste audits and implementation of recycling systems by government agencies). ,Green building design is another key focus, and will be working soon on travel demand reduction.
  • l We like to celebrate good work by our members, and the Minister for the Environment announced the first Govt3 Awards in August 2005
For more information, please address your concerns to Mr Ross Wells, Govt3 programme administrator, ross.wells@mfe.govt.nz
and Ms Dana Peterson, Govt3 senior advisor, dana.peterson@mfe.govt.nz

Focus on


IGPN Events